It’s now officially April and that also means it’s officially spring and we feel like celebrating! (Especially now that April Fool’s Day is over, we’re never a fan of being made to feel foolish…)
So join us we appreciate all that April has to offer!
1. Longer days, sunshine, and warmth!
As we emerge from the winter months, take a pause and look around – you’ll notice the green shoots of spring everywhere around you. In the branches of the trees, in hedgerows, along carefully planted flower beds, and even in cracks in the pavement. You’ll be waking up each day to lighter mornings and enjoying longer, lighter evenings. The temperatures are warming up and you’ll be ditching the awkwardly big coat for another winter. There’s so much to smile about!
2. National Siblings Day
April 10th is National Siblings Day, a day where we show our appreciation for our brothers and sisters and forget all about their annoying habits that have plagued our lives forever (and all the mischief we got blamed for on their behalf when we were young). Put aside some time to call your sibling(s) today and tell them what they mean to you.
3. National Pet Day
Depending on how you look at it, the next day is either better, equal to, or nowhere near as loving as the day celebrated on April 11th - National Pet Day. A huge part of the family, our pets, from fluffy pups and purring kittens to less than cuddly but just as affectionate birds and reptiles, our pets give us so much joy. Today is all about them, so give them even more cuddles, snackies, and walkies!
4. Fresh Spring Produce
Spring brings with it a whole host of new season fresh produce to be made the most of. So it’s goodbye root veggies, roast beef, and soup, hello spring greens, fresh salads, and BBQs! Eating seasonal local produce is a healthy, sustainable way of eating so enjoy all that the spring has to offer our plates, too.
5. UK National Tea Day
If you love all things British, then you’ll definitely want to mark the UK’s National Tea Day on April 21st. Known for their love of tea, the Brits celebrate their favorite drink by, well, drinking lots of tea. If English Breakfast Tea isn’t your (tea)bag then why not try our Lapsang Souchong Loose Leaf Tea for something smoky and bold?
6. World Earth Day
April 22nd is World Earth Day which has been celebrated on this day since 1970. Then only really recognized by “hippies and tree huggers” today we’re all a lot more informed on our impact on the health of the planet. Make this day the day you make one change, such as switching to a green energy supplier, ditching the single-use plastic water bottle in favor of a reusable one, or committing to eating a fully plant-based diet one or two days a week and do your bit for Mother Earth.
Whatever you’re up to this April, enjoy it!