In case you hadn’t noticed yet, it’s now June and that means it’s officially summer! Summertime is a time to celebrate and rejoice, a time of fresh food abundance, and trips to the Great Outdoors.
Being outside and eating fresh, seasonal, locally-produced foods is a great way of supporting our overall health and wellbeing. No matter how old we are, how busy we are, or who we are, we all sometimes need to take a minute to think about how we’re looking after ourselves. And there’s no better time to do so than when it’s sunny outside!
So here’s our roundup of our favorite ways to feel good, physically and emotionally, this June…
1. Go on Health Walks
When the weather brightens up, our thoughts often turn to our health and fitness so with all the extra daylight in the mornings and evenings, we can make the most of it with what we like to call health walks. A health walk is simply a walk, where you take in your surroundings, mindfully being aware of what’s going on around you in that present moment, breathing in fresh air and letting those feel-good endorphins flow. Walking is great for our emotional health as it gives us space to breathe, and also our physical health, as we build up our daily step count.
2. Eat the Rainbow
There is a plethora of fresh fruits and vegetables in our food stores so try to make it your mission to eat a variety of differently colored foods each day. Choose from berries, cherries, mangoes, citrus fruits, and kiwis, and veg-wise, opt for bell peppers, eggplants, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and green, leafy vegetables. Fresh produce such as these contains a variety of different antioxidants that help to support the work of a healthy immune system. In fact, June 16th is Fresh Veggies Day, so there’s no excuse!
3. Celebrate National Smoothie Day
Talking of dates for your diary, June 21st is National Smoothie Day (we don’t know who makes these days up, but we love them!). Smoothies don’t have to be expensive, store-bought ones. If you have a blender at home, whizz up some fruit that’s past its best such as overripe bananas and soft fruit that’s become bruised. Use the milk of your choice, add in some peanut butter and hemp powder for a protein boost and you have a delicious on-the-go breakfast (perfect for all those morning health walks).
4. Have a Picnic on Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice happens on the evening of June 20th into June 21st and marks the first official day of summer. The solstice is steeped in history dating back thousands of years and has been marked by everyone from the Romans to pagans. Pack a picnic, head to the beach, bring the family and a frisbee, ball, or anything else you love to have fun with, and mark the first day of summer with mental health-boosting silliness, laughter, and smiles.