The New year has begun, celebrations have been had, and it’s time to get serious about our health once again. We all use the holidays as an excuse to let loose, maybe have a few more cocktails than usual, and go for seconds on grandma’s famous pies. I get it... it's the holidays!
But alas, time to get back to reality, and reality is, its probably time for a little liver detox and some self-love. But do I want some nasty cleanse that makes me feel drained and malnourished?? NO!! I want a Chai Latte.
Sad thing is that dirty chai you get from Starbucks is packed full of sugar and not so beneficial to your health goals and aspirations. No need to get upset...I have a solution!! Making a REAL chai tea latte could actually be good for you!! Think about it, all of those delicious spicy and warming ingredients all have their benefits, but it often gets masked and buried under all kinds of sweeteners and whipped cream and artificial flavors. YUCK!

Just take a look at these spices:
Now that is what I call a health-conscious beverage!! Now, you can use this mixture alone for a wonderful body healing tea, OR you can mix in some of your favorite nut milk and your favorite non-processed sweetener (like maple syrup or agave) and make yourself a beautiful, comforting, delicious, and soul healing latte to start the new year off right!!
1 ½ cup milk of choice
6 tsp loose leaf black tea
Sweeten to taste
cinnamon stick or star anise (for serving)
- Bring water and spices to a boil over medium-high heat
- Add milk and return to a boil
- Add tea and simmer for 2 minutes
- Strain, sweeten with sugar (to taste
- For a frothy finish, put strained tea into the blender and blend for a few pulses before serving.
- Top with a single star anise or garnish with a cinnamon stick
- If you really went hard for New Years, maybe add an extra pinch of Milk Thistle to give that liver some serious love!