Happy New Year!
Now that the celebrations are over, and everything is back to normal, so many of us are turning to thoughts of how we can do things differently this year. But all too often, our best-laid plans become a far and distant memory. By the end of the first week back at work, we’re back into the habits we really didn’t want to pick up again. We’re all human, right?
So what can we do? We think the key to a successful resolution plan is to be realistic! If you haven’t run more than the length of your driveway ever before, then aiming for a marathon in the Spring is probably a step too far. If you’re a staunch carnivore, going vegan overnight will likely cause cravings you didn’t even know were possible!
You see our point. Let’s not run before we can walk. Taking on too much at once is overwhelming, and could land you on the couch with a multipack of Oreos.
Here are our top five resolutions that are (relatively) easy to keep…
1. Believe in the power of a smoothie
Once you shake off that nagging doubt that all smoothies are full of disgusting green stuff, you’ll realize that anyone can smoothie! Sure, you can make a green one, but green doesn’t mean pond scum.
The beauty is, you can make a smoothie entirely to your own recipe. Most involve a banana, as much nut milk or juice of as you like, and usually a handful of frozen fruit. You can pimp up your smoothie with any one of our superfood powders as an added nutritional (and flavor) boost!
2. Meat Free Mondays
Looking to eat less meat? You don’t have to go full on veggie if you don’t want to. Choose to eat zero meat each Monday, or perhaps keep it for the weekends and go without from Monday to Friday.
You’ll need to keep up the protein, so make sure you eat plenty of beans, lentils, and chickpeas, especially if you’re also ditching dairy.
3. Baby steps, one at a time
If you want to get fit, you don’t have to pay for it. Gyms and fitness classes are expensive but running is FREE and you can do it totally to your own rhythm. All you need is a decent pair of running shoes and some weather appropriate clothing. A T-shirt and a pair of sweats will honestly do, with a hoodie on top if it’s cold.
Use an app such as the Nike+ Run Club or Couch to 5k which helps track your runs, gives you advice and most importantly, motivate you. Set your distance, time or pace, and off you go. Nothing motivates more than a medal, and as you run, you’ll get virtual medals as you clock up the miles. 1km or 10, it all adds up.
4. Be buddies with botanicals
Looking to let your liver have a holiday? Going booze-free doesn’t have to be boring, nor does it mean having to opt for sugary sodas.
These days there are plenty of zero alcohol options including distilled drinks that resemble gin, and no-alcohol wines that actually taste like wine, and not a kid’s drink! Have you tried kombucha? I'll take a booch in place of a beer any day!
If that's not your thing, a soda water with a squeeze of lime has more going for it than you might realize!
5. Fall in love, with yourself
One of the biggest obstacles to overcome with New Year resolutions is self-doubt. Don’t be your biggest critic, be your biggest fan!! You’re a resolution-keeping superhero, tell yourself so!
Best of luck and happy resolving!