Americans spend roughly $200 a month on “perks” to reward themselves and boost their self-esteem. As a result, the self-esteem market is a $9.9 billion dollar industry in the US.
So what do these consumers know that you don’t know? They know that practicing self-care empowers them to take charge of their well-being. Make these top six self-care tips your New Year’s resolution and you’ll improve the quality of your life as well.
What Is Self-Care?
Self-care means looking after your health using the information you have available. “Health” isn’t limited to physical health. It includes mental, emotional and spiritual well-being as well.
Sometimes people confuse self-care with selfishness. When you practice self-care, you make intentional efforts to honor your time and set personal boundaries out of respect for yourself.
Self-Care Tips for the New Year
Are you ready to rescue your well-being from life’s constant demands? If so, try these six self-care tips for the New Year. You’ll find a whole new world of reduced stress and increased energy in your days.
1. Get Your Rest
Proper rest and relaxation are central to caring for yourself. Aim for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. Incorporate relaxation exercises like meditation into your day to regroup and recharge.
2. Schedule Exercise Time
Exercising releases “feel good” neurochemicals inside our brains. Aerobic exercises like swimming or running not only keeps us healthy, it helps manage our moods better than prescription drugs can. Exercise can help clear your mind better than mindless TV watching or snack binging.
3. Dressing in Positive Ways
Grooming and dressing habits are our calling card to the world. When you spend energy on your appearance, you’re telling the world that you have value. Wear clothing that boosts your confidence and you’ll soon see that you truly are worthy of the world’s respect (as well as your own).
4. Be Willing to Accept Help
Self-care means realizing that you can’t do it all by yourself. When others offer to extend their assistance, it’s ok to accept it. Be sure to show your appreciation for their generous help when they do.
5. Spend Some Time with Friends or Family
Don’t forget to interact with the family and friends who love you best. You’ll need those who add love and value to your life with their positive energy. Interact with those who you have a positive history with and reduce your time with the toxic people who can’t give back.
6. Spend Time Outdoors
Medical research shows us that time spent outside helps you reduce fatigue, depression, and burnout. Getting regular breaths of fresh air will also help lower your blood pressure as well as your stress levels. Getting outside will help you have a better night's sleep if you do physical activity while you’re out there like walking or hiking.
Next Steps in Self-Care
Feel like you’re ready to launch these self-care tips? Schedule time at the beginning of every month to contact nearby friends and family members. Set up monthly lunch or coffee dates with them and put them on your calendar.
Talk to your doctor about easing into a physical exercise routine, if you don’t already have one. Make it a priority to fit in a brisk, outdoor walk during your lunch hour—even if it's raining!
Don’t forget to check our website for more ideas on gifting self-care this holiday season. Let us help you on your journey towards your health and wellness goals.