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Top tips on starting the new year healthily from Nature Restore!

Celebrating a happy, healthy new year!

It only feels like a few months ago that we were wishing you a happy 2021, full of hope that the coronavirus would become an unhappy memory, consigned to the history books. But alas, the pandemic looks set to continue to dominate the headlines and our lives.

This means that our health, the health of our loved ones, may be high on our list of concerns as we embrace the new year.

So, how can we start 2023 off on the right foot (once the dust has settled on the midnight celebrations of course) as we mean to carry on? Here’s our top tips on celebrating a happy and healthy start to the new year.

1. Prepare meals consciously

Food planning is helpful for minimizing the problem of food waste. But not only that, spending time each week (this could be any time, such as on a Sunday afternoon or a Wednesday evening, whenever works for you) planning your meals for the week will help you make healthy food choices. Knowing what you’re having for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day will help to ensure that you don’t panic buy junk food when you’re on the go or order impromptu take-outs several times a week.

2. Factor in strict time for exercise 

When the days are short and the week busy, we know that often, exercise is the last thing on our minds. But if you get up a little earlier or forego some couch time in the evening to commit to exercise on a regular basis, it can soon become a virtuous habit that you’ll be proud of. Plus, on your rest days, those extra minutes in bed or binge-watching your favorite show will feel very well earned!

3. Supplement your diet with immune-boosting superfoods 

Winter is the time of year when coughs, colds and other viral infections are at their most virulent. Taking a daily antioxidant-rich elderberry or acai berry supplement or adding an adaptogen such as reishi mushroom powder to your morning smoothie will help to support the work of a healthy immune system. Having a healthy immune system will help to ward off nasty bugs, meaning that you’ll feel fitter and more inclined to make healthy food choices and take regular exercise.

4. Consider Dry January or Veganuary to help kickstart the year

During the month of January, Dry January suggests that we avoid all alcoholic drinks and Veganuary encourages us to eschew all animal-based products including all meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and even honey. Cutting out alcohol has benefits for our physical wellbeing by giving our liver a rest and possibly even allowing us to lose weight. It also has emotional benefits as we remain clear-headed for the month. Going plant-based for the month encourages us to consume more fresh, vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables and avoid saturated fats found in meat and dairy.

2023, we’re ready for you!