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7 Simple Ways to Say I Love You

7 Simple Ways to Say I Love You

No matter what’s going on in the world around us, there’s one constant – and that’s love. Whether it’s love for our partner, children, family, friends (or even colleagues!), love, as they say, is all around us.

With Valentines’ Day just around the corner, perhaps this year, telling our loved ones how much they mean to us is more important than ever. So here’s seven different ways you can express your love, this international day of romance.

1. Say it with flowers

romantic ideas for valentines day 

Okay, this might be a little bit clichéd, but who doesn’t love a bouquet to brighten up their home? It doesn’t have to be red roses, it can be whatever their favorite flower is, or, if you’re not sure go for something different such as wild flowers or even a potted plant! If you do want to stick to roses, why not give them a rose bush they can plant in their garden? It’ll hopefully last forever.


2. Write some IOUs

 valentines day romantic ideas - writing notes

If your loved one spends their days looking after other people, then repay the favor by writing some promises that they can cash in at any time. It can be anything from promising to load (and unload) the dishwasher to cleaning the car or accompanying them on a jog. Even more meaningful, just do some of the things they usually take care of around the house so when they go to do it its already done! You can even unload the dishwasher, and leave a sweet note or an IOU inside for the next round.  

3. Make a romantic meal

 7 ways to show your significant other you love them

Pulling out all the stops in the kitchen comes easy to some of us, and less easy to others. But no matter what your culinary masterpiece tastes like, putting the effort in is a great way of saying I love you. (Or, failing that, you could always order in takeout – whether or not you confess, is up to you!)


4. Write a love letter

 writing a letter for valentines day with dog

Go old school and write down how you feel. (Preferably on a decorative piece of writing paper or a greetings card, rather than a plain sheet of lined paper) You can even get poetic if the fancy takes you. If you want to up the sentimental value seal it with a loving kiss, and give the envelope a spritz of your signature fragrance.


5. Organize stargazing in your backyard

 stargazing romantic ideas for valentines day

You don’t need any fancy equipment, just some warm blankets if it’s chilly where you are and some reclining chairs. Bring your loved one outside, provide a flask of hot chocolate (or something a little stronger) and lay back to watch the stars together. Look up and see what you can see. Let your minds take you to a universe far, far away and if you’re lucky, you might even see a shooting star.


6. Get musical

 music gift ideas for valentines day

If music be the food of love, play on! If you're a musician yourself, perhaps you learn to play their favorite song or write them their own! Another old school way of saying I love you is to make a Spotify playlist – the modern equivalent of a mixtape. Fill it with their favorite tracks and songs that mean something to your relationship.


7. Just say it!

 i love you note - ideas for valentines day 2021

Sometimes, words mean more than any amount of gifting, public displays of affection or extravagance. Just saying those three simple words, either face to face, on the telephone or via video call is all that someone needs to hear. So if the answer to Rod Stewards question, “have I told you lately that I love you” is no, then rectify that, immediately!