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10 ways to manage you stress

10 Ways to De-Stress

10 ways to destress

April is National Stress Awareness Month

10 Ways to De-Stress

Life can get the best of us sometimes. We can get so wrapped up when we are on the go that we don't stop to literally smell the roses, take in the scenery, or even take a break. Well April is National Stress Awareness Month, to bring awareness that stress can have a lot of side effects, physically and mentally, both long term and short term. Here is a list of 10 ways to de-stress to help renew yourself to feel better.

1. Take a Walk

    It’s time to just go for walk, whether it be on your lunch break, or after work. Go outside and get a breath of fresh air, enjoy the scenery, and if the sun is out, get a daily dose of vitamin D.

    2. Disconnect

      Sometimes, the best way to de-stress is to disconnect from all social media and electronics. Now, before anyone sounds the alarm, we don't mean forever. Maybe try to minimize the time you spend on social media or watching TV and be present in those moments. To help reduce the daily anxiety of the day, we suggest, Gotu Kola.

      3. Take a Hot Bath

        There’s no denying that a hot bath can do wonders not only for body, but for mind too. The heat allows your body to improve mobility, decrease pain and relax muscles. For an ultra relaxing experience, try adding some lavender for a soothing effect.

        4. Have a Cup of Tea

          Speaking of herbs, having a nice hot cup of tea can also help to de-stress and unwind. Some top teas to help with stress are: chamomile tea, peppermint tea, lemon balm tea, and last but not least, lavender tea.

          5. Meditate

            While some may think this is woo woo, and it very well may be, it also has its benefits. The point of meditation is to relax to the point of not letting your surroundings affect you and just being present with yourself. For a guide on meditation, visit the following link: here

            6. Sleep

              Probably the one thing that can help us feel the best, is often the one that gets skipped over the most. While the factors may sometimes be out of our control, making a conscious effort to get more sleep helps you not only feel rejuvenated, it also helps with increased productivity! For a good night's rest, we suggest Wulinshen.

              7. Laugh it Up

                Now we don’t mean laugh it up at nothing, look up a funny video, or watch a comedy movie. Stuck in traffic? Put on your favorite funny podcast or comedian and listen on your way home. Want to feel even better? Share your favorite joke or bit! It is true that laughter is the best medicine.

                8. Think of the Positives

                  With all that goes on in the day, it’s easy to get caught up in the minutia of it. Take some time at the end of the day to think of the positives that happened and focus on that.

                  9. Go On a Date

                    I know what your thinking… Go on a date?! That’s stressful! It doesn't have to be, go on a date with your current significant other. Don’t have one? Go out with a friend! Going out one-on-one helps having a more intimate setting vs figuring out if you need to be social. Engage in an activity you both like to get your mind free from day-to-day worries.

                    10. Exercise

                      Exercise is usually attributed to a weight loss lifestyle but this can also help with stress management. When you exercise, your body is releasing chemicals that make you feel good but it also brings into balance some chemicals that can be out of whack. This, along with a healthy diet can help the whole body regulate, helping you to answer to stress in a more conducive manner.

                      Try to make a habit of doing these things month to month so that your stress levels can stay balanced.